Our Campaign
Our Accomplishments
South Bronx Walking Tour
Alongside coalition member THE POINT CDC and youth organizers, the Coalition hosted a walking tour of last-mile warehouses in Hunts Point. The tour focused on fact-finding to illustrate the size and the public and environmental impacts of these facilities.
City of Yes
- View testimony from our coalition members below:
Clean Deliveries Campaign Launch

Youth Organizing and Phone Banking

Support Truck Route Network Redesign
Alongside its primary sponsor, Councilmember Alexa Aviles, the Coalition scored a major victory with the passage of Int-708-2022 which requires the NYC Department of Transportation to redesign the city’s truck route network. The adoption of this bill into local law will reduce the number of truck trips that currently disproportionately traverse through low-income, communities of color. This will lead to improved air quality via less vehicular traffic congestion, tailpipe emissions, and air pollution that lead to increased asthma and cardiovascular diseases in these neighborhoods.
Zoning Text Amendment Application Launch
After an exhaustive public engagement process, the coalition was able to draft a definition for last-mile warehouses and create parameters for a special permit process for new facilities. The Coalition is working with the NYC Department of City Planning on the next steps of the application and is eager to move forward with the application process. Read the Coalition’s application project description and the text they’re seeking to amend.
Last Mile Coalition Launch
The coalition launched in December 2021 to call on the NYC City Planning Commission to mitigate the explosive growth of last-mile trucking facilities – warehouses where packages are sorted and sent out for distribution. Because last-mile trucking warehouses are not defined under zoning law, the NYC Department of City Planning (DCP) treats them as “warehouses” that can be constructed “as-of-right” in manufacturing districts and C8 commercial districts. This has resulted in the disproportionate placement and concentration of these trucking facilities in communities of color and low-income communities, which has led to increases in truck traffic and emissions in these neighborhoods. The Coalition made it clear that NYC DCP needs to update the NYC Zoning Resolution and that the Coalition would be submitting a zoning text amendment application.